1090 Lithium Dr. Thunder Bay, ON

Wequedong Lodge of Thunder Bay


Now completed!

Thank you everyone for your support. Wequedong Lodge has an unwavering commitment to supporting the families who seek solace and healing in Thunder Bay. It is a mission close to our hearts at Superior Foods, and we are privileged to play a small but significant role in this noble cause. When we learned that Wequedong aspired to expand its reach and impact, our team at Superior Foods sprang into action. It was not a moment of hesitation, but rather an immediate response born out of our shared dedication to the well-being of our community.

We orchestrated a series of charity BBQ events at Wequedong Lodge, with a profound commitment: every dollar generated would go straight to Wequedong. Additionally, we organized a meat fundraiser, where $5 from each box of hamburger patties, Italian sausages, and pork chops sold was pledged to support Wequedong. Together we were able to raise $5,000 towards the expansion of Wequedong Lodge of Thunder Bay. This symbolizes not just financial support but also a testament to the power of collaboration, community, and compassion.

(Archive) Support Wequedong Lodge

Wequedong Lodge spends over $1M monthly on hotel fees for its clients

“A non-profit organization that provides shelter, meals, transportation and other supports to Indigenous clients travelling to the city for medical care is ramping up its fundraising for a future expansion.”

Click here to read the article



“Wequedong Lodge continues push for expansion”

“Wequedong Lodge executive director Donna Kroocmo acknowledged the community fundraising events are a “drop in the bucket” for the cost of what’s needed, but said it helps raise awareness while showing community support, and specifically expressed appreciation for Superior Foods and the help they provided for the barbecue and other fundraising initiatives.”

Click here to read the latest article

Superior Foods proposed a charitable fundraising partnership to raise funds for Wequedong Lodge’s expansion while also bringing families together for a fun and delicious BBQ experience.

Superior Foods will offer items and donate a portion of the proceeds of all sales between May 8th and September 1st to Wequedong Lodge.  The BBQ order form will include high demand items that can feed a family at both reasonable costs and have the highest quality that Superior Foods is famous for, including boxed Superior Food’s Premium BBQ Beef Patties, Mild Italian Sausage and Pork Chops.

Superior Foods would donate $5 for each box sold to Wequedong Lodge.
Feel free to call us anytime during the ordering process:

Join is for lunch to support Wequedong Lodge of Thunder Bay

“Burgers, Hot Dogs, Ice Cream, Pop”

With the support of our corporate partners

Donate directly

100% of the proceeds would go directly to Wequedong’s expansion effort

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